Part 21: May 19 Part 2: A Manhunt
-Studio Backlot-

Oh, you found some!
> However, he seems not to mind the strange atmosphere...

Hmm!? What's that weird thing with the red apron?

Huh? Sensei's helper? Amazing! Sensei sure knows some neat people!

Nice to meet you, Mr. Fox! Let's both do our best!


(Pat its head)
> He doesn't seem too upset...

> The fox gave you Soul Drop x 1.

We did everything we were supposed to, and we still ended up like this...

Well, at least Yukiko's with us now. Things will definitely go better this time!

We gotta save him quick, right? I-I'm only a little worried...

This time it's my turn to save someone...

I'll give it my all!

Hmmhmm, a complex...

Th-That's it!? That's all I have to go on? You're working me to the stuffing...Oh well--then I'll open my nose up real wide and sniff real hard!


Oh, I think I found something! It feels like our target! Is this it!?

Follow me!

Is it just me...or does the fog here seem kinda different?

My glasses are fogging up.

Man, it's hot in here. This place is like a--
-Muscle Blues-
Manly voice: C'mere, pussycat...
Handsome voice: Oh...Such well-defined pecs...
Manly voice: There's no need to be scared...

Manly voice: Now, just relax...

W-Wait a sec! I-I don't wanna go!

Is Kanji-kun really here, Teddie?

The nose knows!

We're...really going in here? Urgh, I can already feel the sweat rolling down my back...

That's because it's so hot...
> Kanji's location has been pinpointed. All that's left is to rescue him. You should prepare yourself for the rescue mission...
Kanji's Shadow has already been pretty ridiculous and over-the-top, and it's only going to get worse before the end. Fortunately, Sanzo has the means to fight fire with sexy, sexy fire.
Maybe he can even beat this Shadow at its own game.

Evidence? I told you I don't know what that is. Is it tasty?

Kanji-kun and a bathhouse...I wonder what that could mean...

I've made up my mind, Sanzo! We're definitely gonna save him!

I'm all set. We'll do it flawlessly this time too!

Be careful!
I'm sorry I haven't been able to find an extended version.
Today, the plurality of goons chose Bath Towels for the boys, and Neo Featherman Suits for the girls. I won't ask.

Whoa, Sensei changed.

What are you doing, Sensei!? You're only in a towel! Are you trying to say that you wanna take a nice long bath? Don't worry, we're almost done here.

Hey, about that outfit you picked for me...It's just a towel.

This is dangerous! I mean, it'll flap around when I fight! I could have a wardrobe malfunction at any moment!

Nice, you changed it up too, Sanzo.

You're only wearing a towel...

You're not even fazed in that outfit. You got a lotta confidence, man.

Is that what the true essence of manliness is?

...I dunno.
No complaints about possible wardrobe malfunctions on Sanzo's part. I call that suspicious.

Sweet! Neo Featherman! And of course I would be green. It represents nature and being natural.

I think so too! I can picture you kicking down an entire forest! It's perfect for you!

Haha. That's not exactly eco-friendly, Teddie...

Oh yeah, you changed too, Sanzo-kun.

What!? You're only wearing a towel!?

Uh, I guess you went more for undressing instead of changing.

Well, uh, whatever! If that's what you wanna wear...

I'm done changing outfits.

This is a hero costume...It's Neo Featherman, right?

I didn't know you knew about Neo Featherman, Yukiko. I thought you didn't watch those types of shows.

Chie, Sanzo-kun, hurry! Unless we defeat evil, we can forget about a bright future!

I stand corrected...

Oh, you decided to change too, huh, Sanzo-kun.

What!? You're only wearing a towel? Uh...Is it that hot in here?

Um...I'm not sure where I should look when I'm talking to you, so can you please change into something else?

So why do I feel a chill down my fuzzy spine? I think I caught a cold...My nose is totally useless too. Kanji-kun, where are you!? Answer us!

Kanji-kun's mother was smiling while she tended the store...

But you could see the bags under her eyes. Hey, Sanzo-kun...Let's act fast and rescue him.
Unlike other Shadows, Rare Hands will run away when they notice you.

They have lots of health and are resistant or immune to every element except Physical and Almighty, the element used for All-Out Attacks and a few end-game skills.

The Wealth Hands here in the Bathhouse can panic people. A panicked combatant will randomly attack an enemy or ally, skip their turn, or worse, do this:


You only have a few turns to defeat Rare Hands before they escape. They will also escape immediately if they get Advantage or 1 More. They give you a ton of XP and yen, though.

I am thou...YAH!

A complete victory by Feather Asas!

Oh yeah, Sensei! Can I ask you something? Why is it so steamy here? Does it have something to do with Kanji-kun?

I think I get the hints...

Aah, that's my Sensei! Is there anything you don't know!?

Man, it's so hot in here. Bad enough that I can barely see...By the way, I keep hearing something...

I-I must be imagining it. Y-Yeah...


It will end here!

I just got goosebumps! Something is on this floor! Be careful...!

Urgh...This place is so clammy! I hate it!

Let's rescue him quick and then get the hell outta here! I think we can all get behind that plan!
I had a bit of a scare when the King enemies on this floor turned out to repel Light, but luckily for me Virtue is immune to it as well.

Could it be Kanji-kun...?


At last, I've penetrated the facility! These images are coming to you live from inside this steamy paradise! But I've yet to have any charming encounters. Could this hot fog be the cause? It's like steam rising from sweat! Mmmm, my body's tingling with excitement!
Applause rings through the air.

I remember it being kinda like this on Yukiko's show, too...

N-No...It wasn't like this...

Those voices again--wait, are they louder this time?

These voices...I was wondering whose they could be, since it's only the victim in here. Is it the people watching outside?

You mean, everybody who's watching the Midnight Channel? They're reacting to the "show?" Yikes. If people are watching Kanji-kun now, he's gonna be a legend in a way he never intended...

Well, it's really his Shadow, not him. But normal people won't know that...

The Shadows are getting really restless!

Well then, onward and deeper to reach further realms of romance! Let's get going, dammit!

That was his other self. It's trying to reveal his hidden feelings. It seems much worse than that time with Yuki-chan's Shadow...At this rate, it might end up getting "bear" naked.


Oh it comes.

Uh...Was I supposed to laugh?
Here's Yosuke's Follow-Up Attack. Like I mentioned way back, these have a chance to activate whenever one of the other kids Downs an enemy while leaving others unharmed.

Most of the team's Follow-Up Attacks are an auto-crit; the Yosuke Strike hits one non-Downed enemy at random.
> You hear voices from somewhere...
Kanji's voice: A man can't back down at a time like this! Just watch, and I'll show you how manly Kanji Tatsumi can be!
I'm starting to run low on SP at this point. Let's fall back & regroup.

With teleportation produce.
-Studio Backlot-
> Teddie rummaged around before producing something.

Tadaaaaa! Braaaaand-new gag glasses! Per Yuki-chan's request, they have lenses in them.
> Obtained Gag Winter Outfit.

Oh, really? Thanks, Teddie! Hey, Chie! Let's put these on!

This again...? We did it before. There's no need to do it again...

Come on, Teddie! Don't get all excited just because Yukiko's a goof!

Ehehe, you're too kind!
> The fox took out a mysterious leaf! Everyone's SP has been recovered!
There's the fox for you. He might be a complete shyster, but thanks to him we'll never have to worry about SP again.
This is Chie's Follow-Up.


Take THIS!
Unlike the Yosuke Strike, it is an instant kill.

Chalk up a win for Feather Parakeet!
Kanji's voice: A man's got this thing called pride...Heheh, I'll never lose...

Hrmmm...It's no good. The steam's getting worse, so I can't tell where Kanji-kun is at all...Maybe it's already time for me to retire from being a guide...
Kanji's voice: Hey there, cutie pie! Are you trying to break the barrier of the acceptable, just like me?

No! Sensei came to rescue Kanji!
Kanji's voice: OoooOOOOoooh! Does that mean you're yearning for me? Is that so? Oh, that makes me sooooo happy! Well then, I simply MUST prepare something spectacular for you! I'm so looking forward to seeing you soon! Well, tootaloo!

Sensei...This little bear's getting too scared to go on...

This place is heating up from the sudden entry of a fine young man! To celebrate this encounter, I've prepared a special stage tonight! A single match with no time limit! Who will be left standing in the end? Now, pour out your hot blood and guts!

Ooh! Don't lose, Sensei!
Thanks, Teddie.
-Reach Out to the Truth-
This is the Daring Gigas. He's a straightforward brute with no real weaknesses, a lot like the Avenger Knight.

He also has Counter, which gives him a chance to repel any physical attack he takes.

I was stupid and unlucky here. Chie got Countered twice in a row while Gigas buffed himself up, and then he KO'd her in one hit.

Still, no worries.

I knew you would win!
With Chie and Yukiko on the squad together, All-Out Attacks gain something extra: if anything survives, they use their Combo Attack.


Ready, Yukiko!

A dragon flies around a giant exploding cherry flower while a zither is strummed in the background. There's probably somebody folding origami out of ukiyo-e paintings or something, I dunno.

The raw concentrated Orientality is too much for Shadows to withstand.
Kanji's voice: No, dammit! That ain't important to a man's man...That's not what I want to become...That ain't it at all!

Hey, Sensei? The world you came from seems really complicated. Ever since I met you, I really had to think hard about stuff like what I am...So I can kinda understand how Kanji feels. Sensei, we gotta save Kanji!

S-Something definitely feels wrong! Sensei, we need to hurry!

I'm gonna get myself pumped up again to look for Kanji! Concentrate! Raaaaaaaaawr! Here goes! Whoa--this feeling! I think I've made a comeback! Kanji's not far from here! I'm positive he's really close by!

He must be behind this door!



What's so bad about doing what I want to do?

That has nothin' to do with it...

I'm what you really want, aren't I?

Hell no!

Ohh, how I hate girls...

They look at me like some...some disgusting THING and say that I'm a weirdo...Laughing at me, all the while! "You like to sew? What a queer!" "Painting is so not you." "But you're a guy..." "You don't act like a guy..." "Why aren't you manly...?" What does it mean to be "a guy?" What does it mean to be "manly?" Girls are so scary...

I-I ain't scared of 'em!

Men are much better...They'd never say those awful, degrading things.

Yes, I vastly prefer men...
-Border of Insanity-

Hell with that! What makes you think you can say that shit with my face!?

Why, you're me...and I'm you...You do know that, don't you?

No...Nuh-uh! No way! There's no way in hell that you're me!

Everyone, on guard!
I have to admit, I'm getting tired of the default Reach Out To The Truth and I'll Face Myself fightin' music. How about we change things up?
-Persona Music Live Band: Breakin' Through-
Okay, was the makeup really necessary?

As you've seen, Shadow Kanji has two little friends. The Nice Guy, on our left, has buffs & debuffs, fire immunity, and ice weakness. The Tough Guy, on our right, has more HP, physical attacks, ice immunity, and fire weakness.

We'll lead off with a hit against the Nice Guy.
The Tough Guy needs it a little rougher.

Here I go!

Note that Forbidden Murmur poisons only the boys.
Feinne posted:
So here we go, Shadow Kanji in original P4. The major change is that the Nice and Tough Guys aren't weak to anything, and realistically you can't kill the Tough Guy at all in any reasonable time frame. Shadow Kanji in both versions has that Forbidden Murmur, as well as a similar attack that Enrages the girls. He mainly attacks with Swift Strike, though he will Power Charge sometimes as well. He starts using Fanatical Spark once his health gets down, and he'll use debuffs when he gets a One More off of Yosuke. Physical attacks are your best bet against the Nice Guy and Kanji himself. The difficulty is pretty similar between the two versions, that is to say he's easy.


Wait, Yukiko! Something's wrong.

I-It's still coming at us! Kanji is still rejecting it...

Well, I can't blame him with this many witnesses...
-Border of Insanity-


I think that you three...would make wonderful boyfriends.

S-Stop it! Y-You got it all wrong!

Enough...Stop...What the hell are you blabbering about...?

Accept me for who I am!

I said stop it!

Kanji, you're...
-I'll Face Myself-

Yeah, I know...I've known all this time I had something like you! It ain't a matter of guys or chicks...I'm just scared shitless of being rejected. I'm a total pansy who tries to make everyone hate me.

You're not alone.


Anyone who looks like me, I know they ain't so weak that they can't take a punch.

You're me...and I'm you, dammit!
> The strength of heart required to face oneself has been made manifest...Kanji has faced his other self. He has obtained the facade used to overcome life's hardships, the Persona Take-Mikazuchi!
Take-Mikazuchi, the blood-born warrior.


Let's get him out of here!

It's...It's nothin'...


Heheh...I feel great...It's like my mind's all cleared up...

No need to act so tough.

We'll tell you later.

Yeah...You better.

We'll explain everything later. You need to take a rest now.

We'll be waiting for you at school.

School...? Sure, if I ever feel like going.

I'll take this guy home.

If anyone asks, I'll just say I found him somewhere like this.
> You were able to rescue Kanji. Now you must wait for him to recover. Will this take you one step closer to solving the case?

Oh, I forgot to tell you. Remember that Kanji Tatsumi guy I told you about? You know, the one who went nuts on that news special. His family's shop called in to report him missing, but now he's been found. I thought I'd let you know, since you go to the same high school.

I'm glad to hear that.

Yeah. One other thing...Some people have seen you around that textile shop lately, I hear. It's not the kind of shop students normally visit. Just what kind of business did you have there...?

My friend took me there.

A friend...?

Oh...That Amagi girl? That's right, her family's inn buys their stuff wholesale.


Just don't get yourself in over your head, okay?

...Are you fighting again?
Here's the current status of the team.

Yosuke has gained stronger physical & wind attacks, as well as the ability to panic a group of enemies.

Chie has added countering, extra crits, and area attacks to her physical repertoire.

Yukiko has group healing, KO recovery, and the ability to dispel fire resistance.